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Leading Oil & Gas SD-WAN Negotiation
This Oil and Gas Services Company hired G2 to lead a competitive SD-WAN initiative to explore the SD-WAN market after completing their initial transformation with their incumbent provider.
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Leading Oil & Gas SD-WAN Negotiation
This Oil and Gas Services Company hired G2 to lead a competitive SD-WAN initiative to explore the SD-WAN market after completing their initial transformation with their incumbent provider. The client goals consisted of achieving leading edge SD-WAN pricing, increasing flexibility related to move, add, change, or disconnect (MACD) of their existing connectivity and to decrease contractual complexities. G2 was tasked with meeting these needs while ensuring potential service providers could meet the technical needs of the client, provide a compelling financial business case and, in the event of a migration, provide expertise and resources to support project implementation. Timely execution of this initiative was critical as the incumbent provider’s contracts were quickly approaching expiration.Negotiation:
G2 built out highly detailed and customized network inventory profiles consisting of managed service solutions, primary, secondary, and tertiary internet connectivity, and site-specific CPE. After strategic planning sessions with the client, G2 launched a competitive RFP with incumbent and non-incumbent providers. G2 was able leverage our expertise and industry knowledge to guide the client through the evaluation process by delivering targeted analytics focusing on key client metrics identified during our strategic sessions. G2 was able to work closely with the client to dissect and evaluate solution design, implementation, financial, and contractual offer components of bidder responses. Given the expedited nature of the project, G2 worked closely with our carrier escalation contacts to ensure offers were clear, comprehensive, and timely, providing our client the opportunity to select the best option without sacrificing quality for speed.Result:
After an extensive evaluation process detailing network solution design discussion, project management deliverables and key carrier escalations, the client was able to decrease their existing spend by over 48%, delivering several million in savings. Additionally, the client achieved their goal of increased flexibility to add/remove connectivity through negotiation of market leading early termination relief and delivery of coterminous circuit term contracts. G2 was also able to secure significant one-time credits to offset transition costs and ETF exposure allowing the client to migrate from their incumbent provider sooner than originally modeled. This allowed the client to realize savings faster while minimizing risks. Operationally, the client achieved their objective to move away from the incumbent while reducing costs, increasing flexibility, reducing contractual complexity, and improving their network design.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 Financial Services Company
Senior leadership at this Fortune 500 Financial Services company had worked with G2 on a prior engagement while employed at a different Fortune 100 multinational conglomerate.
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Fortune 500 Financial Services Company
Senior leadership at this Fortune 500 Financial Services company had worked with G2 on a prior engagement while employed at a different Fortune 100 multinational conglomerate. Due to the outstanding results delivered on that project, the leadership team solicited the services of G2 to run a competitive RFP for U.S. Wireless services with their two incumbent wireless carriers. Utilizing the latest technology and devices is critical to this company’s success as a leading household name in the financial services sector. Known for their high-quality customer care and strong financial services portfolio, this company had unique requirements to ensure their workforce has the most current and powerful technology at its disposal. Over 27,000 corporate and employee-liable wireless devices were in play for the RFP. Early upgrade options and aggressive pricing, especially for next-generation devices, were highest on the list of success criteria for this project. Nearly 80% of the devices were smartphones, with the rest comprised of tablets, MiFi and feature phones.Negotiation
Legacy contracts and corporate usage patterns already had this company close the leading-edge of the market with both incumbents. However, utilizing our Benchmark Intelligence and wide-ranging market knowledge, G2 was able to quickly identify key areas for improvement while meeting our client’s goals. The RFP was built to push the boundaries of the market pricing and to “future-proof” the contracts to ensure access to the latest technology, without having to renegotiate multiple times during the lifecycle of the new contracts. Once again, G2’s credibility and negotiation results from other client engagements was leveraged in instances where the carriers claimed they could not improve further. Extensive carrier coaching through two rounds of negotiations produced results that exceeded the expectations of our client’s team and allowed them to over-achieve against the project goals mandated by their Chief Financial Officer. Last minute additional demands from leadership also required immediate escalation to successfully close the deals with both carriers.Result
The G2-led negotiations resulted in 21.7% savings in the aggregate, which delivered nearly $2M in savings to their bottom line. Through G2’s efforts, pricing and other key terms and conditions ended up on par or better than even larger Fortune 500 companies with considerably greater spend and device volumes and further redefined the leading-edge of the market. In addition, pricing and contractual protections were developed to ensure next- generation technology and equipment would be available as early as possible without requiring additional negotiation. Final results also included free devices, increased allotments for early termination waivers, dedicated in-building solutions funding and even secured aggressive advance pricing for devices that had not even been released yet! All of these results were also achieved without requiring any transition of services or operational disruption.Want More Information?
Fortune 100 Multinational Conglomerate
G2 was engaged by this Fortune 100 Multinational Conglomerate to run consecutive RFPs for its Wireline and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) services followed by a competitive RFP for U.S. and Canadian Wireless
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Fortune 100 Multinational Conglomerate
G2 was engaged by this Fortune 100 Multinational Conglomerate to run consecutive RFPs for its Wireline and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) services followed by a competitive RFP for U.S. and Canadian Wireless with their five incumbent providers. The complex nature of the network was made even more challenging due to a recent merger of two equally complex legacy entities with invoicing and inventory spread across multiple billing accounts. The Wireline engagement included global data, voice and conferencing services while the M2M project represented an environment that required support for over 500,000 devices throughout North America. In addition to the M2M devices, the Wireless RFP project included an additional 40,000 traditional mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, AirCard/MiFi). The negotiations for each project required collaboration with multiple cross-functional stakeholders with requirements and expectations varying between several business units and regions.Negotiation
G2 immediately set about the task of building effective network services profiles for each project by evaluating current contracts, holding numerous discussions with key stakeholders and meticulously documenting relevant service components down to the most granular level of line item detail. Extensive benchmarking provided insight into this customer’s position relative to the various in-scope markets and provided a clear roadmap for G2 to help drive the most efficient and impactful negotiations. Each negotiation included face-to-face bidder’s conferences that were highly orchestrated to ensure each carrier clearly understood the RFP structure and expectations while also reinforcing the competitive nature of the engagement. Following G2’s tried-and-true methodologies, each engagement produced significant positive results not only for pricing but for operations and contractual terms and conditions as well. For the M2M negotiations, the results were especially noteworthy given the customer’s weak starting leverage position, length of existing term remaining and internal operational challenges that affected their customer base.Result
The collaborative negotiations resulted in over 24% savings for U.S. Wireline, 26% saving for North American M2M, 21% savings for U.S. Wireless and 43% for Canadian Wireless while significantly improving the contractual terms with all incumbent carriers. Collectively, the initiatives yielded more than $31M in savings. All results realized through G2’s efforts were attained without carrier or services migration.Want More Information?
Fortune 250 Oil & Gas Exploration Company
G2 was hired by this North American oil & gas exploration company to negotiate with eight incumbent telecom providers in the U.S. and Canada. Services included over $20M across both Wireline and Wireless
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Fortune 250 Oil & Gas Exploration Company
G2 was hired by this North American oil & gas exploration company to negotiate with eight incumbent telecom providers in the U.S. and Canada. Services included over $20M across both Wireline and Wireless, with many contracts still having substantial term remaining, which added additional complexity to the project. As part of the initiative, G2 was tasked with compiling carrier invoicing into detailed inventory documents which were then carefully scrubbed by the client’s IT and procurement teams to remove locations and services that were obsolete or targeted for near-term closure.Negotiation
Because disruption of service was not preferred (as a result of carrier migration), G2 initially engaged each of the incumbent providers under a “first right of refusal” negotiation strategy, providing each with an opportunity to write-down costs on existing business to the expected thresholds defined by G2, and thereby avoid having their services taken out to competitive bid. Six of the eight incumbents provided successful responses, with two of the carriers providing sub-standard responses and trying to leverage remaining contract term as a reason for their lack of aggressive proposals. G2 quickly escalated our concerns with each of these two carrier leadership teams. One of the two carriers immediately acquiesced and provided a compliant response, including some creative proposal elements and credit offers that G2 introduced during our coaching sessions. The final carrier made modest improvements but still far short of G2 expectations and G2 recommended these services be taken out for a subsequent round of competitive bidding. Through this competitive round, G2 obtained a Tier I carrier offer that would reduce this non-compliant provider’s spend by 49%, much more aligned with G2’s market benchmarking data. This carrier also was one of the incumbents who successfully responded to the “first right of refusal” round of negotiations and had an excellent relationship with the client.Result
Across all carriers, G2 reduced this client’s telecom spend by 40.2%, with individual carrier results ranging from 20.8% to 49.3%. Carrier migration was only required for the one non-compliant provider and the IT leadership fully endorsed the move based on consolidation and savings benefits and synergies. The initiative introduced additional savings above and beyond the 40.2% through inventory review, especially on Wireless services where several hundred “zero usage” subscribers were identified and removed from inventory moving forward.Want More Information?
Fortune 250 Diversified Conglomerate
After several months of negotiating their own agreement with their largest incumbent U.S. Wireless provider, we were contacted by the sourcing organization for this large conglomerate.
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Fortune 250 Diversified Conglomerate
After several months of negotiating their own agreement with their largest incumbent U.S. Wireless provider, we were contacted by the sourcing organization for this large conglomerate. This client owns or has diversified investments in various industries including auto parts, energy, metals, rail cars, casinos, food packaging, real estate, and home fashion. In total, there were 19 separate businesses purchasing under this parent, or consortium, agreement. While the sourcing organization was comprised of skilled negotiators, they recognized that they were not getting the results from their own efforts and did not have the market intelligence that G2 is able to leverage in negotiations. The wireless services and device types (and quantities) varied greatly from one business unit to another and each had their own unique requirements. It was critical that custom plans and offers be broad in scope and contain multiple options so that each business unit is able to select the plans that best fit their needs.Negotiation
With a single carrier focus, G2 utilized a “right of first refusal” strategy, where the carrier was provided with a Carrier Requirements Letter (“CRL”) that defined specific expectations and shortcomings of the existing agreement and renewal proposals submitted to date. They were instructed that they were being given an opportunity to retain the business through incumbent-only negotiations, but failure to respond favorably would open negotiations to competitive bidding. Because this was a consortium agreement or Group Purchasing Agreement (“GPA”), there were a number of unique requirements and contract terms, conditions, definitions and stipulations that needed to be carefully negotiated. Savings analytics were created and presented separately to each of the 19 business units’ leadership in order to gain their approval and concurrence. G2 worked collaboratively with the sourcing organization lead personnel to effectively navigate the separate business units and internal processes.Result
G2’s efforts resulted in 23.0% of incremental savings, beyond what was attained before G2’s involvement by the sourcing organization. The actual savings varied by business unit, based on wireless services and unique usage patterns, and ranged from 16.2% to 35.7% from the lowest to highest savings returned. Negotiations were completed on an accelerated schedule, with two complete rounds conducted, including savings analytics, in only 34 days. G2 assisted with expediting the contract and legal review as well, which was finalized and executed only 10 days following the conclusion of negotiations.Want More Information?
Fortune 50 Multi-National Health Services Company
This Fortune 50 Health Services Company hired G2 to negotiate with their strategic telecom providers, which encompassed millions of dollars in monthly spend across a multitude of mobility and fixed line services and contracts.
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Fortune 50 Multi-National Health Services Company
This Fortune 50 Health Services Company hired G2 to negotiate with their strategic telecom providers, which encompassed millions of dollars in monthly spend across a multitude of mobility and fixed line services and contracts. This company had been growing rapidly, both organically and through acquisition, and demanded contracts that were commensurate with their size. The providers had attempted to negotiate directly with this customer, prior to G2’s involvement, but presented offers that were tied to aggressive commitment structures and contained requirements for new revenue growth. Services included complex voice and data networks with dual-carriers and unique use cases for mobility devices that needed be highly customized.Negotiation
G2 analysts worked with the customer's IT personnel from several subsidiary organizations, in addition to corporate, to ensure a comprehensive inventory was created for all existing services. Stakeholders were engaged to validate the inventory and incorporate planned technology changes and project-specific requirements into the RFP. Negotiation documents were developed to align with the customer’s preference for a “Right of First Refusal” strategy with their key incumbent providers. G2 defined expectations for each carrier to include rate elements, terms & conditions and custom rate plans for mobility that best fit the customer’s usage profile. Expedited negotiations were conducted to meet the customer’s directed timeline. Through escalation with senior carrier decision-makers, G2 was able to conduct three full rounds of negotiations.Result
Across all mobility and fixed line services, G2’s negotiations yielded over $75M in savings for this customer, nearly a 40% reduction, in the aggregate, and required no migration of services from their incumbent providers. All revenue growth requirements previously communicated by the carriers were eliminated and reasonable commitment structures were negotiated, along with other contract terms that provided enhanced contract flexibility.Want More Information?
Leading Global Computer Software Company
This global computer software company has offices in 30 countries and generated over $1B in revenue. After conducting their own internal negotiations for their global MPLS network for over eight months
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Leading Global Computer Software Company
This global computer software company has offices in 30 countries and generated over $1B in revenue. After conducting their own internal negotiations for their global MPLS network for over eight months, without any meaningful results, G2 assumed responsibility for the initiative. With directives to increase bandwidth at many locations, G2 was tasked with delivering leading edge global MPLS rates, while reducing overall costs and improving contractual terms and conditions providing flexibility to further explore SD-WAN solutions while limiting contractual risk.Negotiation
G2 quickly built thorough wireline baselines inclusive of current inventory and costs, as well as confirmed bandwidth upgrades required for specific locations across the globe. In addition, both the incumbent carrier and key bidders were immediately provided detailed notice of existing proposal shortfalls, reopening negotiations with each. With an incumbent account team reluctant to further improve the response, G2 utilized our extensive executive relationships with key leaders within the incumbent organization obtain desired results quickly.Result
After eight months on their own, this client was unable to obtain savings from their incumbent provider. Their expectation was that G2 would be able to negotiate 15% savings as an expert consultancy. Through several rounds of negotiation, and executive level escalations, G2 was able to secure over $5M in savings from the incumbent provider, amounting to a 50%+ reduction in global MPLS costs, without having to migrate any services. By combining our deep benchmark intelligence of the global markets, and years of industry experience G2 was able to exceed expectations by increasing savings to our client, while eliminating the risk of a full global MPLS carrier migration.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 Financial Investments Company
A Fortune 500 financial investment company reached out to G2 for “eleventh hour” negotiation assistance with their two primary providers in a very tight time frame.
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Fortune 500 Financial Investments Company
A Fortune 500 financial investment company reached out to G2 for “eleventh hour” negotiation assistance with their two primary providers in a very tight time frame. After taking the negotiations as far as they could on their own, G2 was engaged to enhance objectives for savings and aggressively seek improvements in proposed terms and conditions in anticipation of a merger/acquisition.Negotiation
By building a detailed inventory of current services purchased, G2 quickly demonstrated that the revenue commitments that were proposed by both providers were not attainable and introduced risk to the organization. Additionally, new business that had been committed to one of the providers would no longer be possible to transfer. G2 was able to communicate these changes to the bidders, while laying out requirements for market leading rates, terms and conditions, and reasonable commitment levels. Providers were given a tight, but achievable timeline to respond, made further challenging by the holiday season. G2 concurrently began escalating to senior pricing contacts to expedite the process.Result
In just four weeks, including the holiday season, G2 secured strong financial and contractual improvements above and beyond the offer the client had in hand. An incremental 16% improvement in savings was negotiated with the client’s primary provider, and 27% improvement with the secondary provider. In addition, more favorable terms and conditions such as revenue commitment reductions of 27%, and 17% respectively were secured, as well as improved protections in the event of a business downturn.Want More Information?
Fortune 150 Global Oilfield Services Company
This multinational oilfield services company hired G2 to lead negotiations for their global voice and data network, as well as their North American wireless services.
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Fortune 150 Global Oilfield Services Company
This multinational oilfield services company hired G2 to lead negotiations for their global voice and data network, as well as their North American wireless services. Because of the nature of their business, this company has network services all over the world, and in many cases, remote locations. Similarly, while the carriers engaged on the Wireless engagement were domestic US and Canadian providers, it was critical that custom international roaming rates and packages be negotiated to allow for global travel for their 20K+ mobile devices. This client directed G2 to focus negotiations on incumbent providers, as they did not have the resources to support a carrier migration.Negotiation
In addition to pricing improvements, this client wanted G2 to focus on custom SLA’s with their primary network provider based on historical services issues they dealt with over the past year. Prior to engaging with the carriers, G2 created network service profiles for all services and reviewed the technological roadmap with several stakeholders, both in the US and Canada. Detailed Carrier Requirements documents were created, using G2’s benchmarking, that detailed clear and precise expectations for each carrier as it relates to pricing, contract terms and SLA’s. G2 leveraged relationships with senior carrier contacts through escalation meetings that were timed strategically to ensure optimal results.Result
Across all carriers and services, G2 negotiated 31% savings for this client in the aggregate, with individual contract savings ranging from 23% to 38%. As a result of the initiative, the primary provider agreed to provide an on-site resource for this customer, at no cost, to manage SLA enforcement and escalation of billing issues. Contract commitments were negotiated aggressively to low thresholds that allowed this customer to manage their network and wireless subscriber base without concern for shortfall. Additionally, this customer was able to reinvest some of their $13M in savings into bandwidth upgrades and other network improvements to enhance their global operations.Want More Information?
Large US Financial Services Company
This nationwide financial services firm with over 1,800 offices throughout the United States hired G2 to lead a technology transformation initiative for their enterprise telecom services.
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Large US Financial Services Company
This nationwide financial services firm with over 1,800 offices throughout the United States hired G2 to lead a technology transformation initiative for their enterprise telecom services. The client’s current voice network leveraged legacy TDM services and a home-grown SIP solution to carry voice traffic. G2 was brought in to lead a Unified Communications as a Service (“UCaaS”) initiative to deliver leading edge UCaaS rates, while driving improved client efficiency and workflow within a UCaaS environment. Complex call routing between call centers and secure payment requirements were critical objectives of the project. Additionally, G2 was charged with rightsizing and driving cost efficiencies within the client’s Machine-to-Machine (“M2M”) wireless services which were used as primary internet access at a portion of locations, and backup internet access at the remainder.Negotiation
G2 built an extensive wireline inventory consisting of analog POTs lines, existing DIDs at each location, and internet connectivity, down to the most granular levels. In addition, G2 was able to build a complete cost profile across the client’s multiple incumbent providers. After strategy planning sessions with the client, G2 launched a competitive RFP with multiple incumbent and non-incumbent providers including both traditional ILECs, aggregators, as well as pure UCaaS providers. G2 was able leverage our expertise and industry knowledge to guide the client and navigate complex design and feature requirements to deliver concise analytics and financial modeling of bidder responses. Additionally, we were able to lead the client through key evaluation criteria including integration of Call Center Services, dedicated project management resources, and a strategic, phased rollout of new services designed to maximize savings and reduce risk associated with early termination of legacy services.Result
After an extensive evaluation process encompassing 10 unique bidders, G2 leveraged key Executive level relationships with the down-selected finalists to escalate final requirements and drive best-in-class results. The client was able to decrease their existing spend by more than 50%, reducing costs on wireline and wireless M2M spend by over $11 million over the term of the contract. G2 was also able to secure significant one-time credits to offset transition costs and ETF exposure allowing the client to realize savings faster and minimize risks. Operationally, the client achieved their objective to transform their voice services with improved efficiency to drive increased profitability at each of their locations.Want More Information?
Fortune 150 Retailer
A leading retailer with over 16,000 locations hired G2 to facilitate negotiation of managed voice and data services. The customer was struggling with inadequate coverage and management of non-coterminous
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Fortune 150 Retailer
A leading retailer with over 16,000 locations hired G2 to facilitate negotiation of managed voice and data services. The customer was struggling with inadequate coverage and management of non-coterminous individual circuit requirements that prevented a competitive bid and prohibited the opportunity to explore alternative technical solutions.Negotiation:
G2 first compiled a comprehensive inventory of the customer’s services to gain a deep understanding of cost, utilization, requirements and service level guarantees, with a focus on service aspects that were falling short of expectations. Detailed benchmarking was shared with the client and a one year term extension was leveraged, along with G2’s executive relationships, to secure cost reductions and improvement in terms and conditions.Result:
In addition to securing $2.5M in annual savings on both recurring and non-recurring charges, G2 was able to negotiate “no fee” upgrades and technology refresh commitments. Other improvements included an extended payment period, early termination fee waivers, and an annual market rate review provision. Of critical importance, all services are coterminous after the one year extension, with the ability to migrate up to fifty percent of the locations to a competitor in the final year of the term, and an additional one year ramp down period to facilitate completion of a competitive migration if applicable.Want More Information?
Global IoT/M2M Technology Provider
A global provider of cellular and satellite enabled IoT Asset Tracking, Fleet Management and Industrial solutions hired G2 to support a corporate mandate to drive down cost of goods sold.
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Global IoT/M2M Technology Provider
A global provider of cellular and satellite enabled IoT Asset Tracking, Fleet Management and Industrial solutions hired G2 to support a corporate mandate to drive down cost of goods sold. G2 was tasked with delivering material cost savings on cellular access costs despite the Customer’s major cellular carrier agreements being renegotiated within 12 months of G2’s engagement. Further headwinds were created by the fact that the incumbent SIMs were allocated across three primary Carriers and the threat of loss minimized since a physical SIM swap is required to switch Carriers.Negotiation:
G2 first compiled an inventory of the Customer’s existing IoT SIM deployments for each incumbent Carrier to gain a detailed understanding of SIM count, monthly recurring and usage-based charges along with utilization trends for Data, Messaging and Voice services. Leveraging its robust benchmark database, G2 quantified the gap to market for each incumbent Carrier and drafted customized RFP documents to close the gap to market. After receiving the initial RFP responses, G2 facilitated subsequent rounds of negotiations using Carrier specific Feedback Letters to address the remaining deficiencies within each Carrier offer.Result:
The enhanced leverage provided by G2’s benchmark data and executive contacts within each Carriers’ pricing organization delivered robust savings. Costs with the Customer’s largest incumbent Carrier were reduced by 34% over the new agreement term while costs with the Customer’s second largest incumbent Carrier were reduced by over 12% over the new agreement term. Along with pricing, G2 focused on the terms associated with any minimum spend or exclusivity commitments to ensure the Customer has enough flexibility to adjust to the fluid demands of its over 1.5M and growing global fleet of SIMs.Want More Information?
Leading US Convenience Retailer
A leading US based Convenience Retail Company hired G2 to deliver on a comprehensive project plan spanning all primary and secondary internet connectivity.
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Leading US Convenience Retailer
A leading US based Convenience Retail Company hired G2 to deliver on a comprehensive project plan spanning all primary and secondary internet connectivity. The full project contained multiple workflows, inclusive of benchmarking RFP responses from the three largest US wireless carriers, finalizing negotiations for 4G LTE wireless broadband services, and renewing incumbent contracts for primary internet services . The winning bidder(s) for the 4G LTE negotiations would replace the existing Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) services that are currently deployed at over 6,000 locations with a single carrier. Awards were granted based on coverage capability at each site location and cost of service. Prior to engaging G2, the Customer facilitated a comprehensive RFP that included multiple rounds of negotiations, resulting in what each bidder deemed to be their best and final (BAFO) RFP response.Negotiation:
G2 first compiled an inventory of the customer’s existing FWA and primary internet services to obtain a detailed understanding of connection count, cost and utilization. G2 then conducted a detailed review of each bidders’ RFP response during which G2 identified flaws in some of the carriers’ savings calculations. Once adjustments were made to resolve these flaws, G2 re-rated each carriers’ proposal against the existing inventory to quantify the value of each offer. Leveraging its robust benchmark database, G2 quantified the gap to market for each proposal and drafted Carrier specific Feedback Letters tailored to resolve the unique deficiencies observed in each carrier proposal. Relative to customer’s primary internet services, G2 was tasked with engaging customer’s incumbent provider to improve proposed pricing and deliver flexibility to a rigid contract structure.Result:
The enhanced leverage provided by G2’s benchmark data and executive contacts within each Carriers’ pricing organization delivered impressive incremental savings with the two selected carriers of 27% and 33% over their prior BAFO proposals. Once the pricing negotiations were complete, G2 assisted the Customer in finalizing the Carrier contracts to ensure that they accurately reflected each Carriers’ final offer while also helping the Customer interpret 3rd party wireless coverage data to determine which carrier would likely deliver the best service at each site location. G2 also secured a contract renewal of incumbent primary internet services that provided an optimized product solution that allowed the customer to leverage a combination of increased bandwidth, reduced cost, and increased contractual flexibility. The customer was able to increase bandwidth at over 60% of their retail locations while still saving over 13% on their costs.Want More Information?
Fortune 150 Pharmaceutical Company
G2 was engaged by a leading multi-national pharmaceutical company, to provide support and expertise for RFP development, negotiation strategy and financial analysis related to its wireless mobility estate.
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Fortune 150 Pharmaceutical Company
G2 was engaged by a leading multi-national pharmaceutical company, to provide support and expertise for RFP development, negotiation strategy and financial analysis related to its wireless mobility estate. This customer has a U.S. wireless line count in excess of 17,000 active corporate lines comprised primarily of smartphones and data-only devices with heavy field use by clinicians and sales personnel. The operations and procurement teams were highly skilled and knowledgeable in the wireless space and their management, oversight and processes were well above average. However, this customer was also savvy enough to understand that their view of the market was limited and that they could benefit from the broad market view and benchmarking intelligence that G2 could provide. In addition, the customer had limited internal resources and welcomed the additional personnel that G2 brought to the project to help offload most of the workload required to complete the RFP process, financial analysis, and contract negotiations. G2 was able to seamlessly integrate with the customer’s sophisticated internal processes from RFP development all the way through to final contract execution.Negotiation:
Despite having knowledgeable, dedicated professionals on its core team, this customer recognized the value of hiring G2 to supplement its internal resources and increase its negotiation leverage. G2 performed the following activities:- Met with IT and Procurement to understand operational and contractual objectives
- Analyzed billing invoice data and built comprehensive Network Services Profiles
- Developed competitive RFP negotiation strategy and documentation
- Released RFP for competitive bids and held individual bidder’s conferences with all carriers
- Reviewed initial proposals, delivered timely feedback to customer, and crafted coaching for carriers
- Created in-depth financial models including multiple award scenarios along with side-by-side key proposal highlights comparisons for all bidders
- Reviewed final proposals, updated financial models, and provided carrier award recommendations with specific contingency conditions
- Negotiated final contract terms, completed all reviews and redlines, and facilitated final legal reviews and contract execution for each carrier awarded business
Customer awarded contracts per G2’s recommendations to multiple incumbent carriers. In addition, G2 helped facilitate positive relationships with non-awarded carrier participants for future business opportunities including conducting post-negotiation reviews with carriers’ senior leadership teams. Final contracts included significantly improved terms and conditions, along with additional contract flexibility via tiered pricing options which was a key project objective for this customer. Overall term savings for the project was approximately $6,000,000.Want More Information?
Global Top 20 Automotive Manufacturer
G2 was engaged by a leading automotive manufacturer with global facilities and worldwide sales, to provide support and expertise for RFP development, negotiation strategy and financial analysis
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Global Top 20 Automotive Manufacturer
G2 was engaged by a leading automotive manufacturer, with global facilities and worldwide sales, to provide support and expertise for RFP development, negotiation strategy and financial analysis related to a next-generation IoT / Connected Car platform that was to begin deployment in 2023. The customer was in the process of simultaneously developing its next-generation technology while also trying to understand what the U.S. wireless carriers’ current capabilities and pricing structures were that would best support its new platform. The customer had a highly capable and engaged core team comprised of dedicated IT, Procurement and Finance resources and ran their operation utilizing a robust and highly sophisticated set of corporate policies, processes, and procedures. Furthermore, the previous platform had been subject to a long-term U.S. carrier relationship that had struggled under lackluster support and had been selected for prior projects mainly due to their relationship with corporate. The three-party contract relationship, and limited understanding of the U.S. market when that contract was negotiated, had resulted in operational challenges and higher costs over an extended contract and product lifecycle. Those constraints had been removed for the next-generation platform and the North American team had been given full control of the procurement process and had already conducted an extensive RFI with the three major U.S. carriers immediately before hiring G2 to qualify potential bidders.Negotiation:
Despite having knowledgeable, dedicated professionals on its core team, this customer recognized the value of hiring G2 to supplement their internal resources and increase their negotiation leverage. Entering an already active negotiation, G2 had to quickly assess the situation, review significant amounts of data and material, and immediately provide strategic support and direction for the next phases of the procurement process. G2 performed the following:- Reviewed and delivered high-level assessments of the RFI materials previously received
- Met with IT and Procurement to understand next-gen platform technology and contractual objectives and technical specifications
- Performed a gap analysis and recommended multiple pricing structure options along with additional critical content for the upcoming RFP phase of the project including financial, contractual, and technical / operational considerations
- Assisted with drafting and editing concise, effective RFP content
- Facilitated formal Q&A process following RFP release
- Reviewed initial proposals, delivered timely feedback, and crafted coaching for carriers to drive significant incremental improvements
- Created comprehensive comparative financial models for all bidders using several scenarios over the projected ten-year platform lifecycle and an estimated ten million in vehicle sales
- Reviewed final proposals, updated financial models, and provided carrier award recommendations with specific contingency conditions
Customer selected their incumbent carrier pursuant to G2’s contingency award recommendations. Final contract included significantly improved terms and conditions, additional flexibility and lower risk, higher levels of service and support, increased technical capability and lower overall term cost than the previous platform contract. Due to the quality of the project materials and expertise provided by G2 to the customer throughout the project, we were asked to help create executive summary materials for the Procurement team to use for internal presentations. Ultimately, the summary materials were so well received, G2 was invited post-project to deliver additional live executive summary presentations to customer’s business unit stakeholders and senior leadership.Want More Information?
Fortune 50 Global Food & Beverage Company
G2 was engaged by this Fortune 50 Food & Beverage Company to finalize negotiations with their three incumbent US Wireless providers. With an inventory of over 120,000 wireless devices.
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Fortune 50 Global Food & Beverage Company
G2 was engaged by this Fortune 50 Food & Beverage Company to finalize negotiations with their three incumbent US Wireless providers. With an inventory of over 120,000 wireless devices, they utilized a multitude of complex wireless services and applications across numerous business entities. About half of the devices were smartphones, with the rest comprised of tablets, MiFi’s, feature phones and machine-to-machine (M2M/IoT) devices such as smart vending machines and handheld devices for their delivery vehicle drivers. Ongoing negotiations with all three carriers had yielded very little success (2.3% reductions) before G2’s involvement and discussions had become contentious. Additionally, based on budget timelines and an executive-mandated deadline, the project needed to be completed in an extremely accelerated timeline – just two weeks from start to finish.Negotiation
G2 quickly performed a benchmarking assessment on the currently proposed rates and identified several items that were far below leading-edge market rates. While conducted as a competitive, multiple-carrier RFP, each of the three carriers was provided specific deficiencies to address in their revised proposal submissions. G2’s credibility and negotiation results from other client engagements was leveraged in instances where the carriers claimed they could not improve further. A second round of negotiations included escalation to executive-level contacts and was required to secure final results in-line with our expectations. Because of the accelerated timeline, response turnaround timeframes were days, not weeks, and required daily meetings and involvement of decision makers from both sides to gain real-time approvals. In the end, the two week mandated completion timeframe was attained without sacrificing the quality of the results.Result
The G2-led negotiations resulted in 23.9% savings, more than a 10x improvement over pre-G2 results. Nearly $15M in savings was realized through G2’s efforts, which also included free devices, growth incentives and credits and future-proofed rate plans, especially for M2M/IoT projects that were expected to be deployed over the new term. The results were attained in a “status quo” award scenario, with additional savings possible by migration and consolidation over the term, should the client elect to do so.Want More Information?
Global Top 10 Oil & Gas Services & Equipment Company
This G2 client is one of the largest international oil and natural gas service companies. The company provides products and services for drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention of oil and natural gas wells
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Global Top 10 Oil & Gas Services & Equipment Company
This G2 client is one of the largest international oil and natural gas service companies. The company provides products and services for drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention of oil and natural gas wells, along with pipeline construction and commissioning. Headquartered in Switzerland, our client operates in more than 100 countries across the globe and employs more than 60,000 people. G2 was engaged to negotiate their global MPLS network, comprising of over 60 countries, across seven operating regions to include Africa, LATAM, EMEA, North America, APAC and others. Verizon enjoyed a twenty-plus relationship as a primary carrier, providing year-over-year Annual Rate Review reductions to ensure market competitiveness. Their seasoned Account Management was onsite on the customer premise with a long-standing relationship with key personnel across IT and Sourcing.Negotiation
G2’s primary negotiation strategy was to conduct a multiple carrier RFP. Our negotiation strategy is primarily to leverage the incumbent effectively in order to avoid costly network migrations. The customer was willing to open its business to non-incumbents, but would consider network transitions only if technology, quality and most-importantly, savings merited the award. Invited carriers included Verizon, AT&T, Vodafone, SingTel and TATA. Each had the opportunity to bid upon the entire network, with G2 effectively negotiating the resultant awarded carrier volume commitment structure to ensure maximum client flexibility. G2’s pre-negotiation assessment concluded that individual rates elements were out-of-market as low as 25% to upwards of 75%. The client recently decentralized IT management and all regional leadership took part in the network design and carrier award. G2 supported all functions of the RFP to include creation of negotiation documents, carrier technology presentations, analytics, benchmark intelligence, leadership and carrier legal review of terms, conditions and liabilities.Result
The optimal carrier award across four providers yielded a 52.7% reduction. The customer elected to slightly modify this optimized approach to allow for better regional management (all networks were integrated). The entire existing network was replaced by four carriers, each specializing and having core strengths in specific global regions. G2 achieved full waivers of class of service (COS) and migration costs.Want More Information?
Fortune 50 Retailer
This client was at the end of their Wireless contract and recently signed a new Wireline contract committing them to nearly 100% of their run rate with their incumbent carrier. However, G2’s expert strategy generated $12.9 million in immediate term savings.
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Fortune 50 Retailer
This customer was at the end of their Wireless contract and recently signed a new Wireline contract committing them to nearly 100% of their current run rate with their primary incumbent carrier. Their desire for savings was due to a corporate-wide initiative to reduce the overall cost of telecom services. G2 performed a Value Assessment and presented our findings to both Senior Management and the IT Department. The customer was excited to learn that substantial savings existed by negotiating their contracts now instead of waiting until the end of the term.Negotiation
A multiple-carrier, competitive RFP for Wireline and Wireless (Voice & Data) services was conducted with the objective being to negotiate world-class contracts from all carriers that include best-in-class pricing and terms and conditions while minimizing migration disruption to all services. The success of this negotiation was realized due to G2’s aggressive strategy of applying key leverage against the incumbent carriers to create a highly competitive negotiation environment. Carrier Requirements Letters were distributed to the incumbent carriers specifically defining the price points expected to retain the customer’s business. G2 launched a competitive RFP utilizing our extensive knowledge of best-in-class pricing to force the incumbent carriers to re-negotiate aggressively in an effort to “win back” the customer. All carriers provided revised aggressive contracts and retained their incumbent services.Result
Recommended existing Wireline services remain “as-is” with one migration for a 3-Year term. G2’s expert strategy generated $12.9 million in immediate term savings with best-in-class terms and conditions. Recommended existing Wireless services remain “as-is” generating 20% savings. For this client, retaining G2’s single focused expertise in telecom contract negotiations translated into an additional $700K of savings due to faster project completion, earlier delivery of savings and minimal lost opportunity cost.Want More Information?
Fortune 100 Retail Drugstore Chain
G2 was hired to negotiate new Wireless agreements with each of this client’s incumbent providers. This client has over 5,000 retail locations and 100,000 employees, which includes a complex supply network and mission-critical wireless needs.
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Fortune 100 Retail Drugstore Chain
G2 was hired to negotiate new Wireless agreements with each of this client’s incumbent providers. This client has over 5,000 retail locations and 100,000 employees, which includes a complex supply network and mission-critical wireless needs. This client utilized all aspects of Wireless services, including voice, data, text, telemetry and laptop tethering. They had previously used a G2 competitor to negotiate their contracts in the past, but selected G2 for this negotiation after hearing about G2’s successes for other clients in similar situations. In addition to negotiations, this client tested G2 with streamlining their Wireless program and recommending more efficient and cost-saving practices.Negotiation
G2 commenced negotiations with all three incumbent carriers at a Bidder’s Conference utilizing a multi-carrier approach. G2 honed in on specific price targets and carrier offerings that were unique to each carrier and utilized one-on-one coaching to ensure the results matched expectations. Per the client’s request, G2 negotiated an aggressive program for employee-liable subscribers that offered significant savings to the employee, but also included a substantial credit/rebate structure back to the corporate level. While the initiative was presented as a competitive RFP, G2 leveraged each carrier individually such that no users would need to be migrated as the client had requested. Essentially, this was a three-carrier incumbent strategy with each carrier being carefully leveraged to write down their existing business.Result
G2’s efforts yielded a reduction across all three carriers of 43.9% without any user migration. Contracts were finalized at easily attainable user tiers, and included deep discounts, recurring credits, and custom plans for voice, data, text and international users. G2 also achieved major device concessions for specific devices that were selected by the client and improved several critical contract terms and conditions. In conjunction with the negotiation, G2 performed a comprehensive review of the corporate wireless policy and device management, then offered several recommendations for improvement. With the client’s endorsement, G2 also created an “Implementation Blueprint” that gave clear instructions to the carriers outlining expected rate plan modifications.Want More Information?
Fortune 150 Transportation Company
This client engaged G2 to negotiate new contracts with all three of their incumbent Wireless providers. Across all carriers, they utilized nearly 35,000 Wireless devices including traditional voice, voice and data, laptop aircards and push-to-talk plans.
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Fortune 150 Transportation Company
This client engaged G2 to negotiate new contracts with all three of their incumbent Wireless providers. Across all carriers, they utilized nearly 35,000 Wireless devices including traditional voice, voice and data, laptop aircards and push-to-talk plans. They also deployed a large fleet of telemetry devices used for a myriad of purposes such as WAN back-up, on-board instrument monitoring and maintenance bay and storage yard tracking. Initially, this client conducted negotiations on their own and then partnered with a competitor of G2. However, after several months of negotiations with only modest results, this client recognized G2’s expertise and hired us to spearhead an 11th hour competitive RFP effort. G2 was informed that all three carriers were to be retained and that user migration was not preferred. There were also several business-critical and unique wireless applications that needed to be taken into consideration with each individual provider. A unique aspect of this project was the significant reciprocal business relationships and executive ties that required negotiations to be conducted tactfully and with careful consideration.Negotiation
After analyzing the client’s Wireless user base and historical usage, G2 identified several areas to target for improvement during negotiations, as well as custom rate plans that the client was not aware of. G2 conducted a multiple-carrier, competitive RFP for various Wireless services with all three incumbent providers. In addition to pricing reductions, G2 focused on improvement to terms and conditions, such as accelerated device refresh periods, waivers of termination fees, corporate incentives for employee-liable growth, minimal commitment levels and improved service levels. During negotiations, G2 escalated our demands to contacts at the highest level in the carrier organizations and leveraged recently-negotiated contracts in order to gain carrier concessions.Result
This 11th hour negotiation netted a 33.2% reduction beyond the best efforts both of this client and the competitor prior to engaging G2. Additionally, G2 reduced telemetry pricing by 60.7%, which is the fastest growing area of Wireless spend for this client. G2 negotiated waivers of many key Wireless features such as: upfront and annual credits, allotments of termination and early upgrade waivers and improvements across the board to all Voice, Data, AirCard, Text, International and Telemetry Plans, including numerous unprecedented Custom Plans that were designed specifically for this client. G2 also successfully negotiated verbiage that allows for other subsidiaries of this client’s parent company to purchase under the new agreements.Want More Information?
Fortune 150 Oil & Gas Services Company
This oil & gas pipeline and service company enlisted G2 to lead negotiations with their two strategic wireless incumbent providers. In addition to a large fleet of Smartphones, this client had thousands of Voice-Only Feature Phones
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Fortune 150 Oil & Gas Services Company
This oil & gas pipeline and service company enlisted G2 to lead negotiations with their two strategic wireless incumbent providers. In addition to a large fleet of Smartphones, this client had thousands of Voice-Only Feature Phones deployed for their field technicians as well as Tablets, MiFi’s and Machine-to-Machine (IoT) devices supporting many critical operations and pipeline monitoring functions. All of these devices were split nearly evenly between the two incumbent providers, based partially on coverage limitations but also a function of growth and acquisition over recent years. While open to carrier migration (if warranted based on responses) the preferred end result of negotiations was to retain both carriers under new, market-leading contracts.Negotiation
G2 employed a multiple-carrier RFP negotiation strategy with both incumbent providers. It was decided to limit the RFP to the two incumbents initially, and as a secondary course of action, non-incumbents could be added for additional leverage and competition. Individual Bidder’s Conference meetings were conducted to formally commence the initiative and the carriers were levied against each other over a series of follow-up discussions. Clear expectations were communicated and customized for each provider, not only pertaining to expected pricing elements but also key contract terms. The client provided G2 with a detailed list of operational concerns from their existing contract and carrier relationships and those were also incorporated into the RFP documentation and dialogue. The negotiation was completed ahead of schedule, with three formal rounds of bidding required to obtain best-and-final results. The client was provided analytics after each round and their feedback was incorporated into the subsequent round of negotiations.Result
The negotiations yielded a 35.0% reduction over existing costs for both carriers in the aggregate. Importantly to the client, this savings was realized in a “status quo” environment and did not require any migration of devices. Should they decide to migrate a portion of the user base over time, or direct new growth, to the more aggressive of the two carriers, the savings would exceed 44.0% over the new contract term. Some individual device plans, such as M2M/IoT exceeded 57.0% savings over current pricing. Finally, both contracts included improvements to key terms and conditions, addressing many of the items identified as focal by the client at the onset of the initiative.Want More Information?
Fortune 150 Oil & Gas Equipment and Services Company
This multinational equipment and component provider for the oil and gas industry had numerous carriers with varying contract end-dates, and wanted to consolidate their network services while achieving significant cost savings.
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Fortune 150 Oil & Gas Equipment and Services Company
This multinational equipment and component provider for the oil and gas industry had numerous carriers with varying contract end-dates, and wanted to consolidate their network services while achieving significant cost savings. Both wireline and wireless services were addressed, and the complexity of the network spanned over 1,000 locations over six continents. A total of eight wireline carriers and four wireless carriers comprised 90% of the customer’s spend, and each carrier, due to long-term relationships and capabilities, necessitated consideration during negotiations. The total, prenegotiation annual costs for wireline services was $6.4M and the wireless costs were $4.9M.Negotiation
G2 presented a multiple-carrier RFP negotiation strategy to this customer. In order to provide all carriers under consideration with a “level playing field” it was determined that a Bidder’s Conference would be held in which all incumbent carriers, and select non-incumbent carriers, would be present. The customer’s Executive management communicated to G2 that negotiations had to completed in less than 60 days based on their internal time frames. Two rounds of negotiations were conducted – the first, to obtain solid quotes and to short-list those carriers that responded with impressive pricing, terms and conditions. The second round of negotiations was completed in order to fine-tune all aspects of proposal responses. The second round of negotiations was finalized on the 41st day from the commencement of negotiations.Result
The customer’s timelines for efficient and effective negotiations was met by G2’s oversight in the RFP initiative. During the first round of negotiations the 12 incumbent carriers and 4 non-incumbent carriers were short-listed to a total of 9 carriers. The second round of negotiations maintained the 9 carriers, but the focus was on segmenting the network services in a manner that was consistent with best practices for the customer and which satisfied the combination of the most comprehensive coverage, optimal network solutions and, contractually, which granted the most flexibility and cost reductions. In the aggregate of wireline and wireless services, G2’s negotiations resulted in a 38.3% reduction of costs. This savings amounted to $13.2M over the course of the new 3-year term contracts. Beyond savings, terms and conditions were improved and all contracts were negotiated with a common end-date which paved the way for better corporate control of the customer’s telecommunications contracts.Want More Information?
Fortune 250 Industrial Gases Company
This customer was 1-year into a 3-year contract, with the majority of its telecommunications services provided by a Tier-1 carrier. The existing contract was negotiated by the customer over an 8-month period and was moderately aggressive.
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Fortune 250 Industrial Gases Company
This customer was 1-year into a 3-year contract, with the majority of its telecommunications services provided by a Tier-1 carrier. The existing contract was negotiated by the customer over an 8-month period and was moderately aggressive. Network services included voice, data and access for a complex domestic and global infrastructure. Aggregate expenditures for all services were $15 million per year.Negotiation
G2 was engaged to assist in the negotiation of an “Annual Rate Review” that was contained within the existing contract. The customer’s internal negotiations targeted a maximum 10% reduction in costs that they could achieve alone, and they were expecting the remaining 2-years of the contract to remain in effect. This negotiation’s success stemmed from G2’s expertise and the discovery of key leverage that was applied against the incumbent carrier, establishing a highly competitive negotiation environment. Neither the customer nor the carrier had evaluated the fact that the amount of expenditures under the contract permitted the customer to effectively terminate the contract at their discretion in as little as 4 months. The discovery of this fact was powerful in forcing the incumbent carrier to negotiate aggressively in an effect to “win back” the customer. If the incumbent failed to negotiate aggressively, G2 was prepared to launch a full-scale multiple carrier RFP.Result
Successful results were a 26% reduction in overall costs and an entirely new, more flexible contract. The negotiation was completed in less than 8 weeks. G2 constructed the revised contract with a 20-month term based on the customer’s usage expenditures – a term that was shorter than the remaining term of the original contract. G2 also improved significant terms and conditions of the deal, focusing on an improved Annual Rate Review clause that would hold the incumbent carrier to very strong requirements regarding subsequent rate improvements.Want More Information?
Fortune 250 Transactions Company
This customer was approaching contract completion with their primary global wireless provider. They were 6 months into their internally-led RFP negotiations with the carrier
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Fortune 250 Transactions Company
This customer was approaching contract completion with their primary global wireless provider. They were 6 months into their internally-led RFP negotiations with the carrier and were informed by the carrier Sales VP that the current proposal was “the absolute best we can offer.” This customer has the largest telecommunications spend of any corporation within the United States. Due to their large telecom expense, the internal negotiator for this client is an executive and is dedicated in his role solely to contract negotiations. He is a former carrier negotiator (as are the negotiators for G2) with years of high-level and aggressive carrier experience.Negotiation
G2 was engaged to perform 11th Hour Negotiations and improve upon the 5.6% wireless savings already attained through internal efforts. G2 conducted a Bidder’s Conference with the selected carrier and presented our Carrier Requirements Letter (CRL). The CRL defined with specificity the pricing, terms and conditions were expected in order for the carrier to successfully retain and extend their relationship with the customer. G2 proceeded with negotiations through the carrier Special Pricing and Legal Teams over the next week in order to “coach” them towards the desired result. G2 utilized our Benchmark Intelligence from other ongoing and recently-negotiated initiatives to leverage the carrier to acquiesce to our demands.Result
G2 successfully negotiated an additional 29.6% in savings above and beyond the customer’s internal efforts. Over the new 2-year term, this savings resulted in an additional 7-figure incremental savings as a direct result of our negotiation improvements. In addition to cost savings, we also negotiated market-leading terms and conditions that greatly enhanced our customer’s flexibility for managing their wireless services and also reduced their contractual liability. An example is this carrier’s agreement to waive all termination costs, thereby allowing our customer to have all users coterminous with the contract end-date. We also performed a comprehensive Wireless Optimization that allowed this customer to move to a custom-negotiated and simplified plan structure moving forward.Want More Information?
Fortune 250 Southeast Energy Provider
This three-state energy provider made the strategic decision to consolidate carriers across all local, long distance, wireless voice and M2M. The majority of its long distance services were exactly mid-way through a three-year commitment
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Fortune 250 Southeast Energy Provider
This three-state energy provider made the strategic decision to consolidate carriers across all local, long distance, wireless voice and M2M. The majority of its long distance services were exactly mid-way through a three-year commitment with a Tier-1 carrier as part of buying consortium. All other services were procured under various terms and commitments through upwards of 30 different providers. G2 built a comprehensive solution to fulfill this client’s requirement to maximize consolidation through the discovery of significant carrier leverage and appropriate and aggressive negotiation strategies. The client expectation for savings was set at 15% to 18% combined across all services.Negotiation
G2’s negotiation methodology was to immediately eliminate all minor carriers and focus negotiation efforts for those Tier-1 incumbents currently under agreement. G2 found negotiation leverage and carrier weaknesses that enabled a fully developed “threat of loss” for all vendors. G2 conducted multiple carrier RFP’s with 19 carriers. The client was willing to transition carriers as part of their consolidation efforts only if such a move was financially justified. A strict timeline of events was planned and adhered to resulting in an 8-week negotiation – a nearly 70% reduction in cycle time compared to this client’s past efforts. Since a large wireless and M2M transition was in the offing, the client and G2 conducted extensive wireless testing, to include many outer lying areas found in this energy company’s service footprint. Coverage is primary over wireless cost reductions; therefore testing was critical in eliminating those carriers who could not provide proper coverage.Result
The consortium was eliminated because G2 was able to negotiate significant savings outside of this buying arrangement. All incumbent carriers provided new agreements with 50% consolidation on long distance and wireless and 75% consolidation on paging. As expected, local consolidation was a challenge with a resultant merger of less than 10%. Average total savings across all services was 37.5% – representing greater than a 200% increase over client expectations! Terms, conditions and service level agreements were improved to reduce carrier liability and provide for appropriate mid-term contract revisions.Want More Information?
Fortune 250 Energy Provider
This multinational, U.S.-based energy company was nearing the expiration date of their Tier-1 carrier contract that contained the bulk of their long distance voice and data services. The incumbent carrier won this customer’s business less than three years
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Fortune 250 Energy Provider
This multinational, U.S.-based energy company was nearing the expiration date of their Tier-1 carrier contract that contained the bulk of their long distance voice and data services. The incumbent carrier won this customer’s business less than three years prior through a full, multiple-carrier Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The carrier provided appropriate mid-term reductions and had also provided a recent, sizeable reduction in an effort to avoid any competitive bid. Because this client provided utilities to a regional consumer market, intrastate long distance rates were a key pricing element and made up the bulk of their inbound and outbound long distance expense.Negotiation
G2 presented both an incumbent-only and multiple carrier RFP negotiation strategy to this client. The client’s choice was to allow G2 to engage solely with its incumbent long distance and incumbent local (providing in-state long distance service) providers. Under this course of action, G2 could leverage the existing carrier relationships as well as develop a useful form of competition. A full Request for Proposal was crafted, targeting contract improvements as well as revised technical specifications. Both invited carriers bid aggressively and were subsequently required to make executive-level presentations prior to the final carrier award on customer service, invoicing, trouble management and other account team functions.Result
As stated above, the client had already received a sizeable reduction through its own internal contract negotiations. G2 saved an additional 17.9% over these internal efforts and additionally exceeded the client’s targeted IT reductions by over 185%. The clear value that G2 brought to this client measured in the millions of dollars over the life of the new contract term. The incumbent carrier retained the business and provided a truly precedent setting rate for the intrastate inbound and outbound voice products that made up the bulk of this client’s voice usage. Additional reductions were gained across every voice and data rate element already deemed “Best-and-Final” by the carrier.Want More Information?
Fortune 300 Specialty Retailer
This client contracted with G2 to negotiate its full scope of Telecom services: Data, Voice, Local, Conferencing and Wireless. This client operates over 3,500 stores, as well as on-line and catalog sales and employs more than 90,000
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Fortune 300 Specialty Retailer
This client contracted with G2 to negotiate its full scope of Telecom services: Data, Voice, Local, Conferencing and Wireless. This client operates over 3,500 stores, as well as on-line and catalog sales and employs more than 90,000 personnel throughout North America. Accordingly, their network is extremely complex with very unique telecom requirements. Entering the holiday season, this client had expiring contracts that needed to be re-negotiated but they could not afford any migrations or disruption to business. There were several major key personnel changes during this time as well which led them to engage G2 to lead the initiative and alleviate their responsibilities as much as possible. Additionally, this client wanted to use this engagement as an opportunity to explore better technology options for their stores, specifically their data network. They tasked G2 with providing a recommendation on the optimal technology that would provide a better level of service, result in reduced in-house management while also obtaining aggressive price points.Negotiation
Incumbent providers and a few selected Tier 1 competitors were invited to the client headquarters for an on-site Bidder’s Conference to formally commence negotiations. Carriers were presented with the RFP requirements, timelines, expectations, and key technological specifications. G2 negotiated with the senior finance and offer management officials within each provider in order to escalate our demands and gain expedited approvals. G2 conducted coaching sessions with the carriers, including the insertion of “out-of-the-box” response strategies, such as tiered credit structures intended to off-set potential cost increases by moving to a more advanced technology. 5 of the 12 participating carriers were dismissed immediately after their 1st Round proposals. This allowed G2 to quickly and efficiently focused efforts on the remaining carriers during the 2nd (final) Round of responses. G2 issued Deficiency Letters to each carrier, clearly outlining areas of shortfall and defining what needed to transpire in order to retain/win the client’s business.Result
Across all carriers and services, G2 extracted savings of $22.7M. One Wireless provider was eliminated (leaving a primary and secondary in place), but otherwise, no services required migration or transition in order to attain these savings. These results exceeded the client’s expectations by more than 200%. Further, G2 succeeded in improving several terms, conditions and SLA’s within the contracts and worked closely with the carrier and client legal teams to ensure all proposal items were accurately defined.Want More Information?
Global 300 Technology Company
This Global 300 multi-national telecommunications company had a $1.0 billion reciprocal business relationship with their incumbent carrier. The requirement to conduct a professional and sensitive, yet aggressive negotiation
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Global 300 Technology Company
This Global 300 multi-national telecommunications company had a $1.0 billion reciprocal business relationship with their incumbent carrier. The requirement to conduct a professional and sensitive, yet aggressive negotiation with this business partner was paramount to this client. The client had completed the term of a three-year agreement and had already received through their own negotiation efforts the carrier’s “best and final” offer. Due to the contract having expired, the incumbent carrier was threatening their customer with reverting to tariff pricing if they did not immediately accept the current proposal. The amount of proposed annual savings was in the millions of dollars.Negotiation
G2’s first step in this negotiation was to remove the incumbent carrier’s threat of implementing tariff pricing. Our insider knowledge of carrier practices and capabilities quickly eliminated the carrier’s argument and ability to leverage this common tactic. Also, the carrier executive sales management initially held the position that no additional savings could be obtained and that the customer had already received their best offer. The carrier negotiation took place at the vice presidential level and above and also directly with the carrier special pricing and contract authorities. G2 developed a Carrier Requirements Letter to establish the necessary price points and expected terms and conditions. The negotiation had an additional element of complexity because the domestic vendor was initiating a major separation from their current global alliance partner.Result
This client received an additional 200% savings over the amount already obtained through their own efforts. Millions of additional unfounded dollars were provided directly to the bottom-line of their business. In spite of the substantial reduction in expenditures, G2 also obtained a unique commitment structure that increased client flexibility and greatly improved leverage for any near-term subsequent negotiations. All other terms and conditions were improved across the board. The customer-carrier reciprocal relationship was not affected and was in fact enhanced. The carrier now realizes their customer is educated to the leading-edge prices of the market and that the client has the resource to negotiate highly effectively. These strengths will ensure that more care and consideration will be given to improve and maintain future contract pricing and other important elements.Want More Information?
Fortune 400 Global Transaction Processing Co.
This Global Transaction Processing giant required the negotiation of Wireline and Wireless (Voice & Data) services across 122 countries and over 1,300 locations. They realized only G2’s single focused expertise
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Fortune 400 Global Transaction Processing Co.
This Global Transaction Processing giant required the negotiation of Wireline and Wireless (Voice & Data) services across 122 countries and over 1,300 locations. They realized only G2’s single focused expertise negotiating thousands of contracts, including international providers, would be perfect for this complex negotiation. This massive undertaking also required the review of 100(+) contract documents across numerous carriers as well as thousands of price points. G2 executed a multifaceted solution to fulfill this client’s objective of maximizing bottom line savings by instilling the “threat of loss” of millions in revenue through appropriate and aggressive negotiation strategies.Negotiation
G2 and this client worked side by side breaking down every location to the most granular level of detail in order to target areas for improvement with the highest levels of the carrier’s special pricing divisions. Contracts were thoroughly dissected, analyzed, organized and stream-lined to produce meaningful customer focused language while making all documents coterminous.Result
G2 was able to bring their massive proprietary database to bear on the carriers, thus producing term savings of over $8 million. Contracts were reviewed and converted to 3 sets of carrier agreements at the leading-edge of the market with meaningful customer centric terms and conditions coupled with best-in-class SLA’s. For this client, retaining G2’s single focused expertise in telecom contract negotiations translated into an additional $500K of savings due to faster project completion, earlier delivery of savings and minimal lost opportunity cost.Want More Information?
Fortune 400 Technology Manufacturer
This client hired G2 to negotiate mid-term contracts with 3 incumbent carriers to reduce costs and, importantly, to strategically incorporate existing topology pricing for network services
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Fortune 400 Technology Manufacturer
This client hired G2 to negotiate mid-term contracts with 3 incumbent carriers to reduce costs and, importantly, to strategically incorporate existing topology pricing for network services utilized as well as numerous other technology topology pricing for “future situations” whereby The client had interest and/or concerns about implementation of an overall and long-term solution. The end-result of negotiations that the customer wanted was, at most, a dual-carrier award (mostly for redundancy purposes) that involved managing volume commitments not yet satisfied and also vastly improved terms and conditions to maximize overall contract flexibility while minimizing all aspects of potential carrier liabilities. G2 was hired after a competing telecommunications company had been involved in negotiations that were completed some 18 to 24-months previously. Interestingly, the “competing” company did not lead negotiations – rather, they “sat by the side” of the client and communicated steps to take. G2, unlike this competitor, leads all negotiations from start to finish and does not take a limited and inhibited role in negotiations.Negotiation
The negotiation initiative involved 4 carriers, the three incumbents and an additional Tier-1 carrier, for Wireline services that included a complex and hybrid mix of data and voice services. This formal RFP initiative was commenced at the client’s headquarters location with all carriers present. The RFP Bidder’s Conference was a 2-hour presentation where requirements were laid out precisely without presentations from the invited carriers – but one where specific and unambiguous requirements were provided. G2, as always, invited all carriers to participate in on-going “carrier coaching” sessions and strategy discussions to best present their formal offerings and comprehensive bid responses. G2 participated with each carrier’s Finance/Proposal departments during the course of negotiations and tailored all final responses in accordance with the customer’s demands and requirements.Result
The final result of negotiations was an incumbent-only solution involving the 3 current providers, one of which was eliminated during the first 12 months of the award. Thus, the dual-carrier award solution was achieved while receiving best-in-class results during the “draw-down” of services with one of the incumbent carriers eventually eliminated from the overall carrier mix. G2’s results exceeded the clients’ expectations of cost reductions of 27% – based on iterations of negotiations and carrier coaching that involved seven rounds of responses. Typically, G2 takes no longer than two rounds of responses to achieve best-and-final results – the only implication involved in this negotiation were complex future technology concerns that carriers were tasked to present in numerous formats. Ultimately, the result of negotiations was new 3-year term awards with modest commitments and 30%+ cost reductions.Want More Information?
Global 400 Office Supply Retailer
With over 2,300 large-box locations across the domestic U.S. and internationally, this customer is the largest office supply store operator in North America. They were nearing the end of their contracts with several carriers
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Global 400 Office Supply Retailer
With over 2,300 large-box locations across the domestic U.S. and internationally, this customer is the largest office supply store operator in North America. They were nearing the end of their contracts with several carriers in the United States, while also nearing mid-term and expiration of several carrier contracts in Canada and Europe. There was a definitive expectation for cost reductions in the three major geographic areas focusing on Wireline (Data and Voice) services. Additionally, the Senior Management wanted an approach that would align all contracts co-terminously and consolidate carriers where possible. There was also a strong desire internally to integrate the United States, Canadian and European IT staffs to work more cohesively.Negotiation
A multiple-carrier, competitive RFP for Wireline services was conducted with the objective to extract leading-edge contracts from all carriers with best-in-class pricing, terms and conditions, while also consolidating the carrier-base to a minimum number without decline in excellent service standards.. The success of these negotiations was realized due to G2’s comprehensive strategy of negotiating multiple-carrier RFP’s throughout differing geographic regions of the world, while maintaining a focus on integration and dialogue with the client’s IT personnel in the United States, Canada and Europe. During the negotiations there were seven United States-based carriers, four Canadian-based carriers, and eleven European-based carriers participating in the RFP initiative.Result
G2 recommended, with the customer’s concurrence, to maintain two prominent United States carriers (with one niche provider); consolidating two major Canadian carriers such that one was prominent and the other a minor incumbent; and, consolidating two major European carriers to a single carrier (with several one-off niche providers). New 3-Year term coterminous contracts were negotiated with all carriers that were awarded business. G2’s expert strategy generated $21.4 million in term savings with best-in-class terms and conditions. G2’s management of all carriers and Senior customer staff during the RFP process was integral to the success and finalization of the negotiation efforts. The overall savings obtained through negotiations resulted in a bottom line savings that more than doubled the customer’s goal of 10% reductions. As it relates to carrier agreements, this customer’s Global IT staff is now more of a cohesive unit able to move quickly and efficiently when supporting their 90,000 employees.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 Global Specialty Food Producer
G2 was hired by this client to negotiate new coterminous contracts with all of their Wireline and Wireless telecom providers. Our client was focused on obtaining the best rates, terms & conditions in the market
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Fortune 500 Global Specialty Food Producer
G2 was hired by this client to negotiate new coterminous contracts with all of their Wireline and Wireless telecom providers. Our client was focused on obtaining the best rates, terms & conditions in the market, but also on consolidating their carrier base down from the existing 16 carriers they utilized. These carriers provided service both domestically and internationally, each with a different contract end-date, so synching up all telecom contracts was a priority of this initiative as well.Negotiation
The client made it clear that certain services, such as their data network, would be difficult to transition and in these situations they preferred that G2 conduct Right of First Refusal negotiations with the incumbent only. Other services, such as Voice, Conferencing, IP and Wireless would be negotiated through a fully-competitive RFP. G2 conducted all of the negotiation initiatives within a very strict timeline that the client mandated. At the Bidder’s Conference, G2 provided the carriers with specific pricing targets and other contractual requirements that they would need to attain if they wanted to secure the business. G2 worked closely with each carrier’s Finance/Offer Development organizations to ensure that carrier responses would be in-line with our client’s expectations. G2’s experience working with International service providers allowed us to negotiate competitive bids at locations in Latin & South America, Europe & Asia, and also requiring extensive network topology and testing to occur in conjunction with each carrier response.Result
At the conclusion of negotiations, G2’s efforts yielded savings of 31.3% across all services and carriers, with some individual negotiations receiving 40%+ in savings. Further, the client originally had 16 carriers to manage, but at the end of negotiations, only 8 new carrier contracts needed to be signed moving forward. The client’s senior management had established savings goals of 20% at the onset of negotiations and was pleased to see that G2 had exceeded that goal by over 55%. Additionally, G2 negotiated favorable terms & conditions within each contact with a focus on maximizing our client’s flexibility while minimizing their liabilities.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 Science & Technology Company
Under proper negotiation leadership an incumbent-only carrier negotiation can result in contract rates that will rival those obtained in a multiple carrier, highly competitive situation. This client negotiation was one such event.
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Fortune 500 Science & Technology Company
Under proper negotiation leadership an incumbent-only carrier negotiation can result in contract rates that will rival those obtained in a multiple carrier, highly competitive situation. This client negotiation was one such event. In all the sourcing areas under review where this client was seeking immediate savings, Long Distance telecommunications far surpassed the group in potential dollars. The existing three-year contract had approximately 14 months remaining. Six months prior to engaging G2, the client chose to exercise a one-time rate revision contract clause that yielded an approximate 12% reduction in overall costs. As part of the forthcoming G2 negotiation, it was accepted that the incumbent carrier would require some amount of term extension. G2’s challenge was to acquire the identical rates that would be obtained if a multiple carrier RFP could occur immediately instead of over one year into the future. Receiving such savings before its time would recover for this company millions of unfounded dollars.Negotiation
Initially, the incumbent carrier was reluctant to provide immediate contract concessions, despite their ability to gain additional term and the irrevocable harm in the customer relationship and goodwill that would ultimately result. G2’s creation of the proper leverage and negotiation strategy was paramount in leading this carrier to not only proceed with negotiations, but to provide the necessary market-leading rates, terms and conditions. In conjunction with our professional negotiation leadership, G2’s Carrier Requirements Letter was invaluable in assuring that all savings goals were met. The credibility brought by outlining the specific market-leading price points led the incumbent carrier to a clear understanding of the seriousness of our endeavor and motivated them through the credibility established to respond accordingly and aggressively.Result
The only reliable means to determine if the incumbent carrier proposed rates matched those possible in a RFP negotiation would be for G2 to compare the results to other recent and aggressive client contract engagements. The goal was met and this client received a total 19% reduction in expenditures across all domestic and international voice and data services. Based upon current usage volumes and the negotiated commitment structure, this client received only an effective one-year term extension over that of the previous existing agreement.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 Business Services Company
This Fortune 500 Company was mid-term into several long distance voice and data contracts. Their motivation for contract savings and improvements stemmed from a corporate-wide initiative to reduce the overall cost
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Fortune 500 Business Services Company
This Fortune 500 Company was mid-term into several long distance voice and data contracts. Their motivation for contract savings and improvements stemmed from a corporate-wide initiative to reduce the overall cost of business. This client was methodical in their due diligence and investigation process of our services and capabilities. G2 was invited to perform a Value Assessment and present our findings to both the IT and Procurement Executive Managements. Additionally, this client was inclined to engage in another consultancy, although this competition did not specialize in telecommunications contract negotiations, but did have a strong and successful existing client relationship. This client had little risk in accepting our proposal to negotiate immediately. All contracts were mid-term and for a multitude of reasons G2 would be required to negotiate solely with the incumbent carrier. In the event that G2 did not perform successfully, this client could simply refuse to sign any new agreement, continue with the existing contract and negotiate independently at a later date.Negotiation
G2 was hired over our perceived competition. The resources and effort expended in developing the Value Assessment resulted in G2’s full understanding of this client’s complex network and enabled negotiations to begin immediately. Although negotiations were to be held with the incumbent Tier-1 carrier only, G2 was able to generate the proper leverage and appropriate strategy to ensure a successful engagement. A Carrier Requirements Letter was presented to the incumbent vendor and after an unprecedented two weeks the carrier provided the expected pricing results, effectively ending the negotiation and earning G2’s recommendation.Result
The individual voice and data contracts were combined to provide a coterminous agreement for all services and greater leverage in future carrier negotiations. The monthly savings generated was over 35% and resulted in millions of dollars annually recovered immediately to the bottom-line. Contract terms and conditions were improved to substantially decrease this client’s carrier liability.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 Five State Energy Provider
This client provides energy to over 2,000,000 customers across a five-state region. G2 was awarded their business following a highly-competitive vender selection process.
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Fortune 500 Five State Energy Provider
This client provides energy to over 2,000,000 customers across a five-state region. G2 was awarded their business following a highly-competitive vender selection process. In addition to negotiating maximum savings and best-in-class terms and conditions, our client required specialized contractual made the business decision to consolidate carriers across all of their telecom utilization. The majority of their contracts were approximately mid-way through a three-year contract term. G2 built an all encompassing solution to attain this client’s goals to consolidate carriers by applying an aggressive negotiation strategy and instilling the “threat of loss”.Negotiation
This multi-dimensional energy company utilized G2’s experience negotiating literally thousands of contracts to apply leverages resulting in the maximization of savings and execution of leading-edge contracts containing meaningful customer centric terms and conditions. G2 orchestrated a fully competitive RFP for LD Voice and Data Services due to customer dissatisfaction with their incumbent provider making this a truly “wide open” opportunity. This complex negotiation contained 2 large Call Centers with heavy Toll Free voice, Intrastate / IntraLATA voice and advanced Toll Free Routing capabilities where already aggressive voice rates were currently in place with a Tier 3 provider.Result
G2’s single focused expertise and leadership produced 22.2% in direct bottom line savings plus leading edge coterminous contracts containing meaningful client focused terms and conditions. Additionally, G2 successfully consolidated carriers from 10 to 2 with the primary provider now being a Tier 1 as opposed to a Tier 3 with many custom Toll Free Routing concessions attained, or fees waived altogether, while establishing coterminous contracts for the purpose of increasing future customer leverage. For this client, retaining G2’s single focused expertise in telecom contract negotiations translated into an additional $50K of savings due to faster project completion, earlier delivery of savings and minimal lost opportunity cost.Want More Information?
Fortune 500 IT Solutions Provider
This client had just completed their own negotiation effort with their Incumbent carrier for voice and data services. The carrier had provided a formal best and final proposal which represented
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Fortune 500 IT Solutions Provider
This client had just completed their own negotiation effort with their Incumbent carrier for voice and data services. The carrier had provided a formal best and final proposal which represented considerable cost reductions across all segments of their wireline services. Due to a non-coterminous agreement, the client was only 8 months into a new contract term for wireless services. Prior to executing a new 3-year wireline agreement, G2 was retained to ensure the best possible deal was negotiated. If possible, G2 was also tasked with opening up the recently executed wireless agreement to target additional savings.Negotiation
G2 engaged the carrier in an “Incumbent-Only” Right of First Refusal strategy, leveraging our knowledge of the market and this carrier’s offerings to companies of similar size and scope. It was clear that the right to retain our client’s business would only be granted if very aggressive price points and term requirements were met. G2 also successfully leveraged our carrier precedence to open up the freshly executed wireless agreement to drive further cost reductions. To ensure all wireless savings were realized, G2 created an Optimization Blueprint to assist the carrier in transitioning all subscribers to the appropriate, custom- negotiated plans. The negotiation of the entire complement of wireline and wireless services was completed 16 days after commencement.Result
G2’s single focused expertise and leadership produced an additional 32% in wireline savings above what the client was able to achieve through their own internal efforts. G2 negotiated a 19% reduction for wireless services even though the agreement was recently executed. In conjunction with these drastic cost reductions G2 was also able to significantly decease the Contract Commitments for all services to sub 75%. There was no network migration or service modification required to obtain any of the G2-earned savings. This was simply a financial exercise utilizing G2’s Benchmark Intelligence, Carrier Insider Knowledge and Contract Precedence to achieve a 7 figure cost reduction.Want More Information?
Fortune 50 National Specialty Retailer
This multi-national Retailer made the business decision to consolidate their 23 carriers across all wireline, wireless and conferencing services to streamline business while also maximizing savings.
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Fortune 50 National Specialty Retailer
This multi-national Retailer made the business decision to consolidate their 23 carriers across all wireline, wireless and conferencing services to streamline business while also maximizing savings. Due to the impact of declining consumer spending on the retail industry; reducing costs to increase bottom line profit was a major concern. G2 was hired as a 3rd Party Professional Negotiator to craft an all-encompassing solution to execute this client’s directive to maximize carrier consolidation and increase profitability through the application of an aggressive negotiation strategy.Negotiation
G2 established leverage in the form of a “threat of loss” through conducting a fully competitive multiple carriers RFP via a Bidders’ Conference. Based on the client’s current telecom infrastructure, service types, locations and technology requirements, G2 was tasked with providing the recommendation on which carriers should be included in the RFP. At the Bidder’s Conference, G2 dictated specific price points and contractual requirements that the carriers were required to meet in order to win or retain the business. G2 interacted with each of the carrier’s Finance & Offer Development organizations to ensure that carrier submissions would satisfy our client’s needs. G2 conducted all negotiations within a very strict 8 week timeline that the client required due to year-end financial goals.Results
At the conclusion of negotiations, G2’s efforts yielded savings of 15.6% across all services which equated to more than $6 million in savings over the new three year contract terms. Additionally, the client’s original 23 carriers, each with numerous contracts, were consolidated to only 6 new carrier contracts. Furthermore, G2 negotiated key terms & conditions focused on maximizing our client’s flexibility while minimizing their liabilities, making all contracts coterminous across all services allowing for an effective re-negotiation in 18-24 months. An additional $300K of savings was also realized due to a faster project completion resulting in an earlier delivery of savings.Want More Information?
Fortune 1000 Manufacturing Company
This G2 client was nearly complete in their own negotiations with both the incumbent and other Tier-1 carriers. This multiple carrier RFP was part of a corporate-wide initiative to dis-join three individual business units
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Fortune 1000 Manufacturing Company
This G2 client was nearly complete in their own negotiations with both the incumbent and other Tier-1 carriers. This multiple carrier RFP was part of a corporate-wide initiative to dis-join three individual business units and form separate operating companies. This formation of independent operating companies would require separate new contract agreements and the potential reduction of revenue to each winning carrier. The challenge would be to maintain and improve the current pricing while committing to only a fraction of the previous spending. A modicum of savings was earned by this client’s internal negotiators and the leading carrier was informed they had won the business. G2 was engaged to target improvements in the contractual terms and conditions. Further price reductions were not expected. Upon G2’s Value Assessment and evaluation of the leading carrier proposal, it was obvious that subsequent improvements to both rates and terms and conditions were highly probable.Negotiation
G2’s knowledge of all industry-wide market conditions enabled the creation of the highly credible leverage necessary to attain aggressive pricing despite the certain decline of revenue commitments. G2 informed all carriers that any previous decisions or considerations were void and that our mutual customer will be receiving a recommendation from G2 following further negotiations and proposal responses. In less than a week, G2 took over and resumed negotiations. To streamline the negotiation it was necessary to create and distribute new negotiation documents. Revised usage statistics were provided in a format that best assisted the carrier special pricing organizations to evaluate the profitability of aggressive pricing. A formal Carrier Requirements Letter was also presented in order to set appropriate expectations for pricing and contract elements.Result
The four weeks of supplementary negotiations resulted in an additional 12% reduction of telecommunications long distance expenditures and millions of additional dollars contributed to the bottom-line over the life of the agreement. All contract terms and conditions were also improved limiting the overall liability to the carriers during this client’s period of growth as a separate entity. The commitment structure and amount maximized flexibility while retaining the most aggressive pricing. Finally, more robust Service Level Agreements were formulated to assist in provisioning issues and possible operational loses.Want More Information?
Global 2000 Manufacturing Company
This multinational lighting manufacturer company was mid-term with respect to expiration dates for their three Tier-1 carrier contracts for a complex, redundant data network that incorporated 181 locations with MPLS, Internet and xDSL
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Global 2000 Manufacturing Company
This multinational lighting manufacturer company was mid-term with respect to expiration dates for their three Tier-1 carrier contracts for a complex, redundant data network that incorporated 181 locations with MPLS, Internet and xDSL services throughout the globe. These locations tied into 4 distinct hubs in EMEA, APAC and North/South Americas. The Tier-1 carriers included AT&T, British Telecom and T-Systems. Each carrier had a contract with an end-date that did not coincide with the other carriers, such that the overlap in network nodes had to be taken into consideration. This negotiation also took into consideration the redundant nature of the customer’s network by necessitating diverse access circuits at mission critical facilities. Key to the success was navigating cost- effective data services in disparate geographic areas, with a focus on access costs.Negotiation
G2 presented a multiple carrier RFP negotiation strategy to this customer. The customer’s IT personnel were located in Germany and the customer’s HQ personnel were located in the United States. Care had to be given prior to negotiations to incorporate HQ (Sourcing Leads) and the IT personnel for the best means to gather all input, requirements and the “tone” in which negotiations would commence and proceed. Importantly, it was essential not to grant favor to US-based carriers, and to include viable European and other International carriers that were determined to have robust, quality networks. AT&T, Interoute, T-Systems and Verizon were included in negotiations. Three rounds of negotiations were conducted – the first, to obtain several bandwidth quotations at each of the customer’s locations, and the second, to fine-tune the bandwidth requirements and technical specifications as detailed by the IT personnel. The third, and final, round of negotiations was to solidify an implementation plan over a period of six months in order to eliminate redundant nodes on the network and phase out the old contract commitments.Result
The customer had inherited contracts from its parent company prior to a spin-off that necessitated the overhaul and redesign of the new data network. There was a vast amount of engineering design that had taken place, but the customer was not confident of how to measure quality bids from a pricing, terms and conditions perspective. G2 was successful in negotiating premium terms and conditions in order to eliminate legacy carrier costs (via signing bonus), and in establishing hard dollar commitments that were less than 50% of the expected run-rate. Furthermore, individual locations were negotiated with a minimal 12-month in-service minimum.Want More Information?
S&P 400 Energy Company
At the commencement of negotiations, the client’s wireless network consisted of nearly 4,000 wireless users spread over three nationwide wireless providers and six M2M providers. Additionally, over 900 of the users were part
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S&P 400 Energy Company
At the commencement of negotiations, the client’s wireless network consisted of nearly 4,000 wireless users spread over three wireless providers and six M2M providers. Additionally, over 900 of the users were part of an integrated wireless data network that they utilized for meter reading, mobile workstations, and other mission-critical telemetry purposes. This client had hired professional consultants only two years earlier to optimize and migrate their network to its existing configuration and made it very clear to G2 at the onset, that the wireless carriers they utilized were for specific coverage reasons and migration was not an option. Paging, on the other hand, was open to consolidation. Additionally, this client had in their possession a contract offer from Sprint-Nextel, their largest incumbent with rates and discounts comparable to the existing State of Georgia Government contract.Negotiation
All major wireless providers were invited to attend a Bidder’s Conference at this client’s Headquarters. Carriers were informed of the expectations of the RFP and special attention was paid to the contract “hot buttons” and unique service requirements. Device testing was conducted only for M2M, as consolidation was a possible outcome of the negotiations.Result
As promised, G2 delivered leading-edge contracts with each of this client’s incumbent carriers, cutting its wireless spend by 42.8% without migrating services to alternative carriers. The contract for Sprint, in particular, was far superior to the Government rates that were previously proposed. For M2M, the client did choose to consolidate under two providers (from six) for significant savings, as well. In the end, G2’s efforts reduced wireless costs by over $3M over the 3-year term of the contracts.Want More Information?
Largest Worldwide Musical Instrument Retail Chain
This Big-Box specialty retail company hired G2 to engage over a dozen carriers across its three major business units for the entire complement of wireline and wireless telecom services.
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Largest Worldwide Musical Instrument Retail Chain
This Big-Box specialty retail company hired G2 to engage over a dozen carriers across its three major business units for the entire complement of wireline and wireless telecom services. The client’s telecom infrastructure management was partially decentralized and supported operations across forty-two states. The client directed G2 to consolidate all carriers and services, maximize savings, develop specialized terms & conditions and build coterminous agreements. By the nature of the carrier liabilities and leverage, G2 conducted both incumbent-only and multiple-carrier negotiation strategies.Negotiation
All contracts were mid-term. This engagement represented a classic example of a large, complex, multi-location, multi-carrier and multi-business unit negotiation environment. The client held its telecom contracts to a high standard, but faced the challenges of a decentralized spend represented by hundreds of invoices. Prior to commencement, G2 appropriately consolidated services and formulated inventories to supply both incumbent and non-incumbent carriers with precise statistical information to assist their Special Pricing organizations with margin analysis and validation. Potential impact to the bottom-line was in the multi-millions of dollars. The CFO and CIO approved a negotiation strategy that balanced maximum savings and incumbent carrier retention. Also, because of seasonality, G2 was held to and successfully managed a tight timeline – without sacrificing results – to finalize the project prior to the start of their peak sales period.Result
G2 was hired to maximize savings, not simply to manage a major sourcing exercise. Our results were substantial at 25.2% savings across the aggregate of all services and carriers. Every rate component was targeted and received reductions. The leverage G2 applied was not contingent upon a competitive environment. Rather, the carriers were held to providing the very best rates they offer to the marketplace based upon the Benchmark Intelligence G2 gathers and updates daily. Finally, G2 consolidated the original 15 carriers to help increase efficiency and decrease the resources required for carrier management.Want More Information?
Leading International Insurance Brokerage
This customer had a complex structure that was completely decentralized from a procurement standpoint, and had 19 individual business units that operated autonomously form the parent organization
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Leading International Insurance Brokerage
This customer had a complex structure that was completely decentralized from a procurement standpoint, and had 19 individual business units that operated autonomously form the parent organization, though were still under management by the CIO. Because of the decentralized nature of this customer, it was incumbent upon G2 to secure many months of invoicing information from numerous sources (portals, AP, paper, etc.) in order to construct the entire company’s profile. The data collection effort was time-consuming as the information was provided by the 19 disparate cost centers – each of which expected significant cost reductions. Adding more complexity, the cost centers each had purchasing authority for telecommunications and were disjointed in their approach. Some entities secured modest contracts and others simply signed service orders without understanding the landscape of the telecommunications industry. Overall, in negotiating the entire scope of telecommunication services for this company, G2 dealt with 21 carriers simultaneously. Unlike typical G2 negotiations that last 8-10 weeks, it was understood between the parties that the complement of these negotiations would take slightly longer to finalize in all respects due to the decentralized environment and existing carrier/contract mix.Negotiation
Negotiations were very complex and involved many carriers and contracts at various stages of end-dates, and lacked the “buy-in” consensus needed from all 19 disparate cost centers. Ultimately, G2 issued multi-carrier RFP’s for both Wireline and Wireless services. However, due to a lack of complete invoicing information from local Carriers we issued a tiered negotiation document mandating all Local Carriers define their base of services, then required a response with revised pricing, terms, and conditions pursuant to a various term agreement.Result
The major sourcing initiatives undertaken by G2 resulted in massive consolidation of carriers, while also creating a great integration of diverse entities into a comprehensive whole. Previously, Wireline services were split between a major voice carrier and a major data carrier. The incumbent data carrier was superior for these services and usurped the incumbent voice carrier for a total reward. Wireline costs were reduced by 27.6%. Wireless services resulted in a 37.5% reduction in costs. Local services, the most difficult to negotiate, were finalized with a savings percentage of 22.7%. From an efficiency perspective, Carriers were reduced by half, greatly easing vendor and contract management.Want More Information?
Global Semiconductor Manufacturer
This Global Semiconductor Company was in 11th Hour Negotiations with their primary incumbent carrier for Wireline and Wireless – AT&T. After over 8 months of contentious negotiation with AT&T
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Global Semiconductor Manufacturer
This Global Semiconductor Company was in 11th Hour Negotiations with their primary incumbent carrier for Wireline and Wireless. After over 8 months of contentious negotiation with AT&T, this client was able to negotiate a 13.9% reduction over their existing rates. They felt that there were additional concessions that AT&T could provide, but were told that they had received the “best and final” offer and were pressured to execute immediately due to their expiring contract. G2 performed a Value Assessment and confirmed that there was additional savings that could be obtained through a professional negotiation. The client was eager to engage G2, but was also directed by the CEO that the new agreement must be executed within two weeks.Negotiation
Due to the CEO’s time constraints, G2 began negotiations immediately under an accelerated timeline. AT&T was issued a “Carrier Requirements Letter” which outlined specific pricing targets, as well as T&C’s that needed to be improved. G2 developed this Requirements Letter by utilizing our Benchmark Intelligence from other recent negotiations with AT&T for similarly-sized clients. Because this client’s network was both domestic and international, it was important that AT&T elevate our demand internally in order to meet G2’s strict and imposed timeline. Further, there was only enough time allocated for one round of negotiations. G2 worked with the AT&T account team and Offer Management groups to facilitate this process.Result
G2 concluded negotiations with AT&T only 7-days from when they were commenced, easily exceeding the CEO’s time constraints. Our expeditious efforts resulted in a 120% improvement over this client’s internal, 8-month long efforts. G2’s expertise added nearly one million dollars in savings that would have otherwise been retained by the carrier, and accomplished this savings with little to no financial risk by our client.Want More Information?
Leading Wholesale Distribution Company
This customer was at the end of their three year long distance contract and recently signed new wireless contracts with two different service providers. The customer unsuccessfully tried to procure a new long distance contract
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Leading Wholesale Distribution Company
This customer was at the end of their three year long distance contract and recently signed new wireless contracts with two different service providers. The customer unsuccessfully tried to procure a new long distance contract that produced significant savings and negotiated moderately aggressive wireless contracts. Their motivation for savings stemmed from a corporate-wide initiative to reduce the overall cost of telephony services. G2 performed a Value Assessment and presented our finding to both the Senior Management and IT Department. The customer was surprised to learn substantial savings existed by negotiating a new long distance contract and re-negotiating their existing wireless contracts even though the wireless contracts were recently signed.Negotiation
This negotiation’s success stemmed from G2’s expertise and the discovery of key leverage that was applied against the incumbent carriers, establishing a highly competitive negotiation environment. A Carrier Requirements Letter was presented to the incumbent long distance carrier which specifically defined the price points they had to provide in order to retain the customer’s business. In an unprecedented two weeks, the carrier provided the expected pricing results and earned G2’s recommendation for a contract award. G2 launched a competitive RFP between the two incumbent wireless providers, leveraged carriers against one another and clearly highlighted the lack of aggressiveness in the customer’s newly signed contracts. G2’s knowledge of market-leading wireless pricing, combined with the competitive nature of an RFP, forced the incumbent carrier to re-negotiate aggressively in an effect to “win back” the customer. Both carriers provided revised, aggressive contracts and retained their incumbent services. Additionally, G2 optimized all users into better defined and more cost effective rate plans.Result
This initiative yielded a 48.9% reduction in overall costs and entirely new, more flexible contracts. The monthly savings generated by the negotiations far exceeded the customers expectations and added over one million dollars to their bottom-line. In addition to costs savings, contract terms and conditions were improved to substantially decrease this client’s liability.Want More Information?
Nationwide Upscale Restaurant Chain
A leading, nationwide restaurant reached out to G2 after several months of negotiations with AT&T, Verizon & Sprint. They were negotiating a new contract for their 350+ location WAN, IP Services, Corporate Data Services
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Nationwide Upscale Restaurant Chain
A leading, nationwide restaurant reached out to G2 after several months of negotiations with AT&T, Verizon & Sprint. They were negotiating a new contract for their 350+ location WAN, IP Services, Corporate Voice and Data Services. They had experienced service problems with their incumbent provider, Sprint, and were seriously entertaining a migration to another provider. However, they would only do so if there was a compelling financial story, as well as extremely aggressive T&C’s and SLA’s to avoid the situation they were currently in with Sprint. Their internal staff extracted “best-and-final” offers from all four carriers and asked G2 to confirm that the offers were considered “leading edge” in the market.Negotiation
G2’s review of the carrier offers illustrated that there was additional room for improvement with G2’s expert assistance. With the customer’s approval, G2 engaged all four carriers in a competitive, multi-carrier RFP. G2 provided each carrier specific price targets in the form of a Carrier Requirements Letter (CRL) and held meetings with senior personnel from each of the carriers’ Sales, Legal and Finance/Offer Development staffs. G2’s benchmark intelligence and extensive relationships with each of the carriers reinforced G2’s credibility in demanding the rates that were presented. Additionally, G2 was able to extract concessions on SLA’s and T&C’s from the carriers that provided our customer with non-standard service guarantees and contract flexibility.Result
G2 successfully negotiated 24.4% savings, above-and-beyond what the customer had received as “best-and-final” from the carriers after several months of negotiations. The initiative was completed less than 4 weeks from commencement. In additional to leading-edge rates and sizeable one-time credits that were negotiated, G2 also secured exceptional T&C’s and SLA’s to include key areas such as: Low Commitment Amount, Ramp-Periods, Chronic Outage Clause, Postalized/Stabilized Rate Components, NRC Waivers, Service Guarantees, Favorable Payment Terms and many others. The result of G2’s involvement provided this customer with the compelling financial and contractual analysis needed to justify a carrier migration to senior management.Want More Information?
Global Telecom Equipment Manufacturer
This client’s particular circumstance presented one of the most challenging situations to test G2’s ability to negotiate effectively. Their internal IT leadership had completed a lengthy, yet seemingly successful multiple carrier RFP negotiation
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Global Telecom Equipment Manufacturer
This client’s particular circumstance presented one of the most challenging situations to test G2’s ability to negotiate effectively. Their internal IT leadership had completed a lengthy, yet seemingly successful multiple carrier RFP negotiation and had already awarded the business to their incumbent carrier. The contract was reviewed, executed and all but sent to the carrier for countersignature. G2 performed a Value Assessment that in part compared the rates of recent, aggressive negotiations conducted on behalf of other clients. Our evaluation proved that a substantial amount of supplementary savings was possible. The client did hold some concern that if G2 did not perform as expected the delay in the implementation of the new carrier contract could be costly. A savings guarantee was an important part of this client’s financial analysis and decision to engage G2’s services. As a company within the telecommunications industry, the majority of this client’s employees had carrier experience which resulted in a better than average knowledge of standard carrier practices relating to both daily operations and contract negotiations.Negotiation
All previous participants in the prior RFP were invited to continue and the incumbent carrier was informed that the contract award was revoked. Because this client’s invoicing and recent carrier proposals were already collected and analyzed G2 was prepared to begin negotiations immediately. The carriers were tasked to improve pricing and contract terms and conditions within a short amount of time. G2’s knowledge of internal carrier operations and our experience leading literally thousands of negotiations enabled us to set appropriate, yet aggressive proposal response date requirements. It is interesting to note that none of the Tier-1 or Tier-2 carriers had previously proposed the aggressive rates that were provided as a result of the G2-led negotiation.Result
Within weeks, G2 had improved all carrier offers and had negotiated the necessary savings from the non-incumbent carriers to justify the cost of a full carrier migration of network services. The client opted to stay with their incumbent carrier and enjoyed and additional 50% discount over the rates they previously negotiated as part of their own internal negotiation efforts.Want More Information?
Global Telecom Service Provider
As a telecommunications company, this customer utilizes it s Wireless and Long Distance services in direct support of its mission-critical operations, therefore relying heavily on these forms of communication.
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Global Telecom Service Provider
As a telecommunications company, this customer utilizes it s Wireless and Wireline services in direct support of its mission-critical operations, therefore relying heavily on these forms of communication. With well over 1,000 wireless subscribers on a Tier-1 nationwide network, this customer was content with the service offering and plan types of their incumbent carrier. The annual spending on Wireless and Wireline was $3.5 million. The existing contracts had 2-years remaining in 3-year terms.Negotiation
G2 was engaged to negotiate both Wireless and Wireline services in support of this customer’s corporate-wide efforts to reduce costs. G2 reduced Wireline expenditures with a direct and effective multiple carrier RFP negotiation strategy – permitted by the fact that this customer was billing significantly over its commitment. For the wireless negotiation, G2 conducted an in-depth traffic analysis and discovered certain calling patterns that made this customer’s wireless business highly attractive and profitable to all carriers. Importantly, G2 developed leverage against the incumbent carrier that allowed the customer to potentially terminate the existing agreement due to low commitment requirements. The wireless negotiation consisted of a full RFP responded to by selected nationwide carriers. G2’s ability to find cause for and to establish a multiple carrier negotiation environment proved to be the key to this negotiation’s success.Result
The results of the Wireline negotiation provided for savings of over 45% on this component of network services. Wireless negotiations resulted in over 67% reductions. New telecommunication contracts were entered into with the selected carriers for Wireless and Wireline services that established term commitments no greater than an additional contract year, based upon the previous existing contracts. In both cases, stronger terms and conditions were incorporated into the contracts that created future contract flexibility for this customer.Want More Information?
Global Top 10 Law Firm
This client is a major east-coast law firm and has enjoyed a nearly decade-long reciprocal business relationship with their Tier-1 long distance carrier. As expected, the vendor provided attractive discounts both proactively
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Global Top 10 Law Firm
This client is a major east-coast law firm and has enjoyed a nearly decade-long reciprocal business relationship with their Tier-1 carrier. As expected, the vendor provided attractive discounts both proactively and through negotiations throughout their tenure of business. The requirement to conduct a professional and sensitive, yet aggressive negotiation with this business partner was paramount to this client. During the assessment of this client’s savings opportunity, G2 discovered a major discrepancy in the Lata Pair pricing as part of our invoice net effective rate analysis. The problem occurred for 18 months and as an added value G2 assisted this client in recovering $144,000 in credits – without compensation.Negotiation
The motivation of the client was to retain their incumbent carrier, but aggressively leverage G2’s expertise to maximize results. Although the current contract was near the end of the term, G2 employed a Right of First Refusal negotiation strategy which enabled the incumbent to avoid a multiple carrier RFP and the possible loss of business. A successful Right of First Refusal negotiation uses a set of carrier rate requirements based upon G2’s knowledge of the leading-edge prices in the market. An added benefit for our client was G2’s prior experience working with the carrier’s director and vice president-level sales management. Consistent with the manner in which we conduct business, our working relationship with these carrier executives was extremely ethical, professional and resulted in a winning deal for all parties.Result
G2 conducted the entire negotiation within 6 weeks. This client’s data services made up the predominant amount of current spend and potential savings opportunity. Resultant data savings was 37.58%. Voice services yielded a 21.97% discount with an overall savings of 32.36%. G2 improved all terms and conditions across the board, but particularly strengthened the Annual Rate Review clause to better ensure continued leading-edge mid-term reductions. This Client’s reciprocal relationship was not affected and was in fact enhanced. The carrier now realizes their customer is educated to the leading-edge prices of the market and has retained the resources to negotiate highly effectively and successfully. These strengths will ensure that more care and consideration will be given to improve and maintain future contract pricing and other important elements.Want More Information?
100+ Year Old Menswear Retailer
This customer was past the expiration date of their contracts with a major U.S. carrier. The carrier had provided numerous proposals but none of which were executed, for various business reasons.
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